Teleflora Love Out Loud, A Silent Film

“When The Wonderful Agency and Teleflora approached me with this project, I was captivated by the idea of working on a long format film with such a strong creative potential. It, alloweding me a better flexibility to set the context, the background and to develop in detail the evolution of the main character as we follow this man over a long period of his life -, from his childhood to adulthood. This sequence of “slices of life” reminds me of the introduction to Disney’s film “Up”, where the most important moments in Carl’s life play outfollow one after another.” “It was a rich and challenging experience to see the character’s design evolve throughout the film, both in terms of styling and the ageing of his face, while also working on a range of his multiple expressions.” “I come from 3D, so the creation of this universe in 2D all in black and whiteB&W (with a few brushstrokes of red to highlight the flowers 😉 ) was a great opportunity to create longer shots, a varied cast of various characters and to craftcreate a more elaborated narrative.”

– Gary Levesque, WIZZ director